Calibratrice per patate


Potatoes are the 4th most important food crop in the world. But how can you obtain a constantly qualitatively superior selection over time? The answer is with selection lines that can guarantee deep, higher volumes, reduced costs and homogeneous lots, all thanks to artificial intelligence.


The heart of the matter.

A selection line that preserves every single potato quality and still gives you something more.

Automation and productivity

Having an automated sorting line allows you to increase in-house production and satisfy both domestic and foreign markets.

Efficiency and quality.

With HDiA Artificial Intelligence grading by exactly the qualities you specify, production costs are significantly reduced, leaving plenty of room for just the efficiency and quality you want.

Automation and productivity

Having an automated sorting line allows you to increase in-house production and satisfy both domestic and foreign markets.

Efficiency and quality.

With HDiA Artificial Intelligence grading by exactly the qualities you specify, production costs are significantly reduced, leaving plenty of room for just the efficiency and quality you want.

Artificial intelligence specifically for tomatoes.

We find that defect nobody else sees.

The potatoes sorting machine benefits from artificial intelligence and an innovative algorithm to grade the defects linked to colour, weight, diameter and internal and external quality of the potatoes.

calibratrici frutta
calibratrici frutta

Parameters for perfect tomatoes.

The artificial intelligence of the potatoes sorting machine manages to analyse and sort in minute detail the defects of interest to you, from the colour to the percentage of internal and external quality.

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Do you need assistance or advice?

We are here to advise you, offer you clarifications and technical support. Fill out the following form with your details to request the information you need, our qualified staff will answer you as soon as possible.