
Guaranteeing lots of the highest quality dates is possible thanks to Ghibly. This is the name of Ser.mac’s new selection line, prodigious technology that manages to grade even the most delicate medjool dates to deliver the perfect lot. What defects can it deal with? Ghibly can detect 5 categories of Loose Skin and 3 categories of Yellow Cup / Ring and Humidity. In addition to reporting the usual variables such as size and weight.

Ghibly is the fruit of years of sector experience and constant research in the field of innovation. 


The heart of the matter.

A selection line that preserves every single date quality and still gives you something more.

Loose skin and drying

The HDiA Artificial Intelligence grader not only detects external qualities, such as loose skin, but also perfectly sorts between the most moist and driest dates.

Concentrated perfection.

The artificial intelligence sorting machine comes in contact with defects and incorporates them. It assesses the weight, diameter and colour of the tomatoes according to your parameters. Lastly, it stores them for subsequent production.

Loose skin and drying

The HDiA Artificial Intelligence grader not only detects external qualities, such as loose skin, but also perfectly sorts between the most moist and driest dates.

Concentrated perfection.

The artificial intelligence sorting machine comes in contact with defects and incorporates them. It assesses the weight, diameter and colour of the tomatoes according to your parameters. Lastly, it stores them for subsequent production.

Choosing a Ser.mac sorting line allows you to not only guarantee excellent quality, but, above all, consistency in every lot of dates.

We find that defect nobody else sees.

The ghilby sorting machine benefits from artificial intelligence and an innovative algorithm to grade the defects linked to colour, weight, diameter and internal and external quality of the Ghibly.

calibratrici frutta
calibratrici frutta

Parameters for perfect dates.

The artificial intelligence of the Ghibly sorting machine manages to analyse and sort in minute detail the defects of interest to you, from the colour to the percentage of internal and external quality.

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